早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Which is ____ ,this one or that one?A.good B.gooder C.better D.best
This is the ___ ice cream in the world.A.better B.best C.good D.well
John is ____ than Micheal.A.taller B.more taller C.much tall D.tallest
That’s a ___ movie.A.greatest B.greater C.great D.much great
Of all the students,Li Ming is ________ to Mr Wang.A.close B.closerC.the closest D.the most closest
What are you ___?A.thinking B.thinking about C.thinking out D.thinking to
Is there anything new ___ today’s newspaper?A.on B.in C.of D.at
It is boring ___ such a book.A.reading B.read C.to read D.reads
The price of he hotel room is 800 dollars ___ day.A.a B.an C./ D.the
Hong Kong is ____ the south of China,and Macao is _____ the west of Hong Kong.A.in;to B.to;to C.to;in D .in;in
Jim is taller ___ boy in his class.A.other B.another C.any other D.others
Is she eating ___ apples than Mary?No,she isn’t.she is eating ___.A.many,fewer B.more,fewest C.many,a few D.more,fewer
The ___ time ___ to the cinema is on Saturday.A.better,goes B.better,go C.best,to go D.best,goes
Most people in China are getting ____.
A.richer and richer B.more and more rich C.more rich and more rich D.more richer and richer
I have ___ apples than you.A.little B.less C.few D.fewer
40.My teacher said that Jack was a __ student and he could learn everything well.
A.talent B.talented C.slow D.quiet
Of the two performers,Eliza is ____.A.the funniest B.the funnier C.funniest D.funnier
Jim’s math is bad,but Steve’s is ____.A.much badder B.even badder C.very worse D.even worse
That singer is _____.A.more popular and more popular B.more popular and popular C.popular and more popular D.more and more popular
44.If you want to be healthier,you can take ___ exercise and eat ___ food.A.more,less B.less,more C.more,fewer D.more,more
He is better than I ___ .A.at swimming B.in swimming C.on swimming D.for swim
He has ___ new clothes than I.A.fewer B.few C.much D.many
47.He is ____ than his brother.A.more friendlier B.much friendlier C.very friendly D .very friendlier
48.Jim is funnier than ______ in his class.A.any other boy B.any boy C.any other boys D.all the boys
The weather in Beijing is colder than ________.A.in Hefei B.Hefei C.that in Hefei D.that of Hefei
50.Kate often goes to work ______ breakfast.It's bad for her health.A.with B.without C.on D.not have
-Can I ask you ______ questions?-Sure.A.any B.much C.some D.a little
52.Most people like Jazz 107.9 FM,because it ____very beautiful music.A.givesB.gets C.takes D.plays
-______ is the ticket?-It's five yuan.A.How many B.How long C.How far D.How much
54._______”dull”a positive word or a negative word?Negative,I think.A.Does B.Is C.Do D.are
This is the ______ largest city in Japan.A.three B.third C.thirds D.thirdest