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The unpaid community service should be a necessary part in high college programs (such as helping your neighbor or teaching the children sports or working for the charity).To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays,in some universities and high schools,the volunteer works such as teaching the teenagers,working for the charity organizations and helping the neighbours,without asking for money,have been placed as a program.Some people worried about whether these activities are meaningful and important.From my own perspective,these unpaid community services play a educational role in students growth and this program should be recognized by more people.
Students can benefit a lot from the unpaid volunteer activities.To begin with,they can perceive the valuable thoughts that do not living for money and feel the happiness of helping others.Specifically,at present some people who is always only concern about themselves and neglect the others feelings,doubtless,these guys will be dislike and eliminated to the team.As a consequence they develop into hatred for others and society.Therefore,it is essential for students to know the idea.Furthermore,if our students just know how to study their subjects and do not have the chances to get access to the society,when they graduate for school,they would have a hard time in emerge to the society.It is manifest that no company will accept bookworm.Last but not least,through these unpaid jobs,the student may acquire the knowledge and and experience beyond the books.Definitely these advantages will help the student grow up rapidly.So for the sake of the growth of the children,it is smart decision for universities and high college to add the program.
Although these works will take up some parts of the students precious studying time and some time may occur accidents.But when properly organized,these problems should not happen.
To sum up,the activities is considerably significant and valuable and will benefit for the whole life.I sincerely hope more universities and high colleges placed the program .
First of all,i appropriate your analysis .Next ,i sincerely want you to point out the details for the gamer mistakes ,i mean where are they ,it is very nice of you use () or red colour to make it clear .Last but not least,again ,i reaaaaly appreciate your kindness and valuable time .
(in the modern days),(volunteer works have been placed as a program in some of the universities and high schools,for instant,teaching teenagers,working for charity organizations and helping neighbours,etc without money been asked.) (But) some people (are) worried about whether these activities are meaningful and important.From my own perspective,these unpaid community services play (an) educational role in students growth and ()should be recognized by more people.
Students can benefit a lot (through) unpaid volunteer activities,(especially for those who are always concerned about themselves and neglecting the feelings of others.) To begin with,they can perceive ()valuable thoughts (of) not (just purely)living for money and feel the happiness (when) helping others.(People who are doubtless will be disliked and eliminated from the team,) as a consequence,(hatred for others and societies will grow and rot inside them.) Therefore,it is essential for students to (be aware of this concept).Furthermore,if our students (only) know how to (study hard in school) and do not have the (opportunities) to get (involved in) societies,(by the time) they graduate (from) (schools),they would (face certain difficulties when getting to know societies.) It is (obvious) that no company (accepts bookworms.) Last but not least,through these unpaid jobs students may acquire ()knowledge and (experiences) beyond the books,these advantages will (definitely) help (students to) grow up rapidly.So for the (growth of children's) sake ,it is (a) smart decision for universities and high (colleges) to add the program (of volunteer works).
Although these (volunteer) works will take up some (precious studying times)of ()students and (sometimes accidents could occur),(but through proper planning and organizing),these problems should not happen.
To sum up (my viewpoints),(volunteer) activities (are) considerably significant and valuable and will benefit for (ur) whole life,I sincerely hope more universities and high colleges (arrange) the program.

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