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Intellectualized water meter carrying out,not only may solve traditional water meter each month to copy the trouble which the table,the charge brings and the dispute which because the charge question brings,also may technically for save the water used,the reasonable water used creates the condition.
The present paper mainly introduced uses the ARM nucleus widely take at present as the foundation intelligent water meter design,elaborated in detail based on the ARM data acquisition,processing and the memory process as well as carries on the data transmission through the TCP/IP agreement and the main engine the process.The paper first has made the comparison to the commonly used sensor,elaborated this design choice does the reed pipes to take the sensor the reason.But after introduced systematically take ARM as the core intelligent water meter control system hardware architecture and the software realization.
Hardware architecture mainly involves to the processor,the memory and the network connection design.The software part mainly includes the data acquisition,processing,the demonstration as well as the TCP/IP network protocol realization.
The present paper designs the intelligent water meter which completes to have the function practical,the measurement accurate,the correspondence reliable merit.His promoted use will enhance the water used management the automated level,conforms to the establishment which the country will propose to save society's spirit.
Key word:ARM; TCP/IP agreement; Intelligent water meter; Data acquisition
The present paper mainly introduced uses the ARM nucleus widely take at present as the foundation intelligent water meter design,elaborated in detail based on the ARM data acquisition,processing and the memory process as well as carries on the data transmission through the TCP/IP agreement and the main engine the process.The paper first has made the comparison to the commonly used sensor,elaborated this design choice does the reed pipes to take the sensor the reason.But after introduced systematically take ARM as the core intelligent water meter control system hardware architecture and the software realization.
Hardware architecture mainly involves to the processor,the memory and the network connection design.The software part mainly includes the data acquisition,processing,the demonstration as well as the TCP/IP network protocol realization.
The present paper designs the intelligent water meter which completes to have the function practical,the measurement accurate,the correspondence reliable merit.His promoted use will enhance the water used management the automated level,conforms to the establishment which the country will propose to save society's spirit.
Key word:ARM; TCP/IP agreement; Intelligent water meter; Data acquisition
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