早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Tell the children to ______ the fire.
A.put off B.put out C.put aside D.put down
2 ______ hearing that his house was broken into,he immediately called the police station.
A.On B.In C.At D.From
3 She expressed not the least ____ for what she had done.
A.reaction B.regret C.regard D .report
4 I hope ________ me every week when you arrive there.
A.you write to B.you’ll write to C.you wrote to D.you would write to
1.B 灭火:put out the fire2.Aon =when,当...时3.Bregret后悔,追悔莫及4.Ahope+从句的.当我希望的东西现在(或过去)还没有实现时,用虚拟语气.而此处,显然不是虚拟语气,根据语境,选择A类似的:I hope you play eve...