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以Going to school by bus or by bicycle为题
以Going to school by bus or by bicycle为题 100词数的英语作文 乘公交车:节省时间 节省体力,骑自行车:锻炼身体 灵活方便 ,写出自己喜欢的方式及理由
Hi there,
you must pay attention to few things when taling about the above mentioned issues.:
1.Road condition.Whether there are bicycle lane?In most of the advanced modern and develped world best rich countries,there do not have road for bicycle.And even serious,in some area of the down town region,especially rush honours in the mass traffic,riding a bicycle could be judged against the local law and regulations and cought by police!
2.Bus.The same thing as my tellings.IN most of the very rich contries,they do not have bus in most of the areas,because every family have private vehicles and in the giant and mentropolitan cities normally they have METRO/UNDERGROUND/RAILWAY.
3.The reasons why.That's why,in most of the top countires,their law enhance and enforce kids and students,when go to school,must take school bus but no more alternatives for sure!.
4.Security reasons.We human-beings,never surrender to the MOB and varieties of crime and criminals,but when peoples never the same in between each other are the common sense to everyone,we won't have that day,eveybody's life and assets could be securied and gurrantteed 100% indeed.!This is why,most of the develped counties' law forbid kids and younsters take their weakness to take round trip in far between their individual house and villa when not in a mass and every aroundings can help and support to maintain kids safety requiement by any watch dogs in so far.