早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The utmost embarrassment of the early airport person happened to me a few years age when I was flying from New York to Chicago.When I got to the ticket counter,the person there said,“Sir,you have a seat on the 9:15 a.m.flight,is that right?” “Yes,” I said.“Well,it’s only 7:00 a.m.and the 7:05 a.m.flight has not left yet.If you hurry you can make it.” I was too embarrassed to say that I arrived early so I wouldn’t have to hurry.Instead,I ran down the corridor to the plane.
20.What made the speaker feel embarrassed?
20.A) He was told to board the wrong plane.
B) He was not allowed to board the plane.
C) He arrived at the airport without a ticket.
D) He found it difficult to explain why he arrived so early.
The utmost embarrassment of the early airport person happened to me a few years age when I was flying from New York to Chicago.When I got to the ticket counter,the person there said,“Sir,you have a seat on the 9:15 a.m.flight,is that right?” “Yes,” I said.“Well,it’s only 7:00 a.m.and the 7:05 a.m.flight has not left yet.If you hurry you can make it.” I was too embarrassed to say that I arrived early so I wouldn’t have to hurry.Instead,I ran down the corridor to the plane.
20.What made the speaker feel embarrassed?
20.A) He was told to board the wrong plane.
B) He was not allowed to board the plane.
C) He arrived at the airport without a ticket.
D) He found it difficult to explain why he arrived so early.
he may be embarrassed to explain why he arrived at the airport so early in the morning,but the starting reason for his embarrasement is that the person at the counter told him to abord another plane....
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