早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
求英语作文:Life in the City and the Countryside
Born in the countryside,I can tell you how hard the life is in a countryside.
Yesterday,younger brother,indeed he is my cousin,told me his father had been in hospital for several days,he is now quite worried about his father and wanted to know what the disease was.Not having called my parents for a long time and being in the middle of work for over 10 days,I really didn't know what had happened in my family and hometown.
In my memory,my father and mother should be quite tired,they had to start working in the field at daybreak,and then came back till the moon and stars shining in the sky.The meals were usually quite simple,mostly they ate the vegetables grown in the garden,seldom went to market for meat or fish,only in recent years they could improve their life a little because my sister got married,I could earn my own life in a small city.The people in countryside are simple-hearted,virtuous and straightforward,I hope they can all live a long life.And all the people in countryside feared to be sick,on the one hand,they could not afford to a hospital,the costs in the hospital might take all their savings; on the other hand,those doctors could not cure them,sometimes they could make their simple cold worse or even kill them.It seemed really sad to live in countryside.We have no other choice but to bear,so now,our parents taught us again and again to study hard in school,then make an effort to live in a city.Yes,now,if you are also born in countryside,when you go back to your hometown,you can hardly find a young man in the countryside,all the people left in the countryside are either the youngest --- innocent children or the oldest --- weak old men,who cannot take care of themselves.If they are sick,I really don't know what should they do.Just like my uncle's son,my younger brother asked me what he should do if his father was in hospital,though he did not know how serious his father's disease was!
So how about the life in a city?Day after day I had to work hard to earn a living,the indifference between man and man,the over stress of non-stop hard work also make me want to escape from the city and go back to my hometown.In the city,I riched my experience; in the city,I do not need to care where to treat my illness.The life in the city can be colourful and indifferent.Just like the blog I read this morning.
It is an unfair world,I tried many times to change to adapt to the unfair world.No matter where you are,no matter where I am,I hope we can live a happy life!
Yesterday,younger brother,indeed he is my cousin,told me his father had been in hospital for several days,he is now quite worried about his father and wanted to know what the disease was.Not having called my parents for a long time and being in the middle of work for over 10 days,I really didn't know what had happened in my family and hometown.
In my memory,my father and mother should be quite tired,they had to start working in the field at daybreak,and then came back till the moon and stars shining in the sky.The meals were usually quite simple,mostly they ate the vegetables grown in the garden,seldom went to market for meat or fish,only in recent years they could improve their life a little because my sister got married,I could earn my own life in a small city.The people in countryside are simple-hearted,virtuous and straightforward,I hope they can all live a long life.And all the people in countryside feared to be sick,on the one hand,they could not afford to a hospital,the costs in the hospital might take all their savings; on the other hand,those doctors could not cure them,sometimes they could make their simple cold worse or even kill them.It seemed really sad to live in countryside.We have no other choice but to bear,so now,our parents taught us again and again to study hard in school,then make an effort to live in a city.Yes,now,if you are also born in countryside,when you go back to your hometown,you can hardly find a young man in the countryside,all the people left in the countryside are either the youngest --- innocent children or the oldest --- weak old men,who cannot take care of themselves.If they are sick,I really don't know what should they do.Just like my uncle's son,my younger brother asked me what he should do if his father was in hospital,though he did not know how serious his father's disease was!
So how about the life in a city?Day after day I had to work hard to earn a living,the indifference between man and man,the over stress of non-stop hard work also make me want to escape from the city and go back to my hometown.In the city,I riched my experience; in the city,I do not need to care where to treat my illness.The life in the city can be colourful and indifferent.Just like the blog I read this morning.
It is an unfair world,I tried many times to change to adapt to the unfair world.No matter where you are,no matter where I am,I hope we can live a happy life!
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