早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


题目是“Rules for the _______
No visitor shall disturb any exhibit animals by any means, including an attempt to pet, feed, handle or trap exhibit animals unless overseen by a Zoo staff member.
No visitor shall go over, under, between or otherwise cross any guardrail, fence, moat, wall or other safety barrier, or seat, stand or hold children over such barriers.
No visitor shall throw or toss rocks, trash or other articles into exhibit areas.
No Pets: Pets of any kind are not allowed on Zoo grounds. Pets must not be left in parked vehicles, as the temperature within vehicles can reach lethal levels. Zoo Police are authorized to enter vehicles parked on Zoo grounds to rescue pets that may be in danger of dehydration and/or heat prostration. (Service dogs are permitted, as are miniature horses trained to do work for people with disabilities if housebroken and under the owner’s control.)
No Balloons: Balloons are not allowed on Zoo grounds, as they present a potential choking hazard to the animals.

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