One evening/afternoon… when suddenly first meanwhile at the same time then after that finally等。
(1)One winter afternoon my friend Xiao Hong was taking her dog for a walk near a river.It was cold.Some children were playing on the bridge when suddenly one of them fell into the river.The other children cried for help.Hearing this Xiao Hong ran up and jumped into the icy water without taking off her coat.She swam to the child and caught him.Then she swam back.It was so cold that she was almost frozen.When they were near the bank the dog helped them out.Finally the child was rescued and Xiao Hong became a local heroine. (2)One Saturday afternoon my friend Tina was taking her dog for a walk.Suddenly she heard “Help” from the children who were playing on the bridge.When she learned that a boy fell into the icy water she ran up at once.First she jumped into the cold water and swam to the boy quickly.Then she caught the boy with one hand and tried to swam back.The water was so cold that she was almost frozen.At that time the dog helped them out of the water.In the end the boy was rescued and the local people respected Tina as a heroine.
early to bed and early to rise makes a man health 2020-05-16 …
在七(一)班的历史故事会活动课上,同学们争先讲了许多历史故事.下列故事所反映的史实奠定了三国鼎立局 2020-05-17 …
海洋是个巨大的资源宝库,很多物质都可以从海洋中获得.(1)获取淡水,下列方法中,可用于从海水中获取 2020-05-17 …
(2014•西安一模)为了研究生态系统的能量流动,科学家做了以下实验:投放一定量的单细胞藻类喂养水 2020-05-17 …
“故事背景”的英文我说XXX的故事背景故事背景英文 2020-05-17 …
王冕写的白梅的背景故事就是这首诗的背景故事! 2020-06-11 …
为了研究生态系统的能量流动,科学家做了以下实验:投放一定量的单细胞藻类喂养水蚤(通常全部被吃掉)。 2020-06-29 …
冬夜读书示子聿的背景故事,不是背景,而是诗中的故事,我要写作文作文题目是书中的故事,要具体讲述当时 2020-07-20 …
下列有关海水淡化的方法不可行的是()A.加明矾使海水中的盐分沉降,然后过滤以获得淡水B.利用太阳能将 2020-11-20 …
下列典故与宽容有关的是[]①“六尺巷”的故事②“三气周瑜”的故事③“负荆请罪”的故事④关羽“华容道放 2021-01-14 …