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A day about Chinese student
Perhaps some people will be curious about China's education because it is different from much foreign education.
Many students always get up at 7 o’clock.After having breakfast,they will go to school.When they come to school,they will read book and hand their homework.After this,they will have a rest.10 minutes later,the bell will rang,they will come into the classroom and listening the teacher carefully.At the end of the class,the teacher will tell students about their homework.Students in China always have lots of homework.
In morning,students will have 4 classes.Such as Chinese,Math,English so on.After this they will go home and have lunch.After lunch,they have some time to rest.
They will have two or three classes in afternoon.Then they will go home.They will have dinner and finish their homework.
This is a day about Chinese student.
What’s your opinion about this?
1.A day about改成A day of,student改成students
2.it is different from much改成it is much different from
3. When they come to school把come to改成arrive at更符合语境.
4.hand their homework,把hand 改成hand in,表传递上来的意思.
6.listening 改成listen to,和and前面的动词形式一样.
7.In morning中间加the.
9.so on改成and so on.固定词组.
10This is a day about Chinese student.改成This is a day of Chinese students.

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