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Alien is from space.He lost his way on the earth.He made a friend little Jack here.He wanted to find a UFO to go back home.He pointed to a motorbike and asked little Jack,” Is that a UFO?Little Jack said,” No,it isn’t.““ What is it?”“ It’s a motorbike.” Replied little Jack.Alien pointed to a spaceship and asked little Jack,” Is that a motorbike?” “No,it isn’t.” said Jack.“Is that a UFO?” “No,it isn’t.” “What is it?” asked Alien.“It’s a spaceship.” Alien pointed to a UFO and asked little Jack,” Is that a spaceship?” “No,it isn’t.” “Is that a motorbike?” “No,it isn’t.” said little Jack,shaking his head.“What is it?” Little Jack answered,” That is a UFO.” “Oh,here comes my UFO.” Alien was very happy to find a UFO to go home.He said to little Jack,” Thank you,Jack.I am going home now.Bye-bye.” 第二篇如觉太长 只要首末两段即可
不明飞行物(Unknown Flying Object)
We all know that we live in a complex world .Although the technics of the human beings are developing all the time ,we still got so many unsolved problems.Among all of this puzzles ,UFO is one of the most noticable things.
Now as everybody knows ,UFO is what we call Unknown Flying Object for short.For a period of time ,once we mentioned UFO ,we always communicate it with high-tech ,extra-terrestrials ,outter space culture and many other exciting things .
There are a lot of witnesses around the world ,affirming that they chanced to have seen some strange things in the sky .However ,most of them cannot hand in the credible evidence .That's a pity.
With the long-term efforts of the ufologists ,most of the incidents are finally considered as natural phenomenons or human conducts .Some so-called UFO is just a bird ,a plane ,a balloon or even a plastic bag .
Until now ,we haven't found any clues on real extraterrestrial civilization or supernatural phenomenon .But we are willing to see ,with the constant exertion of humanity,we will get more profound knowledge ,we will get to realize the essence of the world.We have the faith!

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