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对 现在读书的人越来越少 这种现象的看法 要有 120字 要有这种现象的原因 结果 及看法
只能给一个分 不好意思
对 现在读书的人越来越少 这种现象的看法 要有 120字 要有这种现象的原因 结果 及看法
只能给一个分 不好意思
Nowadays fewer and fewer people like reading.Some data may indicate in 1999 there was 60 percent choose reading but in 2001 only 52%.
The cause of this for many reasons.Now some middle-aged people say that they do not have time to read and the young people say that they are not accustomed to read books.However some people say that they can not afford to buy the books so they like reading online In fact,more and more people would like to reading online.1999 was 3.7% in 2003 has been increased to 18.3%.the reason people choose reading online is convenient and it can save money.
At the last i believe the books also have the value.No matter there are more medias can broaden people's vision such as TV,Internet,etc.but the people who read books will not really reduced .After all,the book is a form of material existence on this earth,rather than virtual form.
目前读书的人越来越少.1999年为60%,2001年只有52%.造成这个原因是多方面的.现在的人为什么不读书 中年人说没时间,青年人说不习惯.还有的人说买不起书相反网上阅读的人越来越多.1999年是之3.7%,2003年已经有18.3%.我相信书还是会体现它的价值,现在的电视,互联网等等多媒体的发展使人们的视野更宽广,更快捷,所以现在看书的人就少了,当然,就算如此,看书的人还是不会真的减少的.必竟书本是以一种以物质的形态存在于这个世上的,而不是以虚拟的形态,
Nowadays fewer and fewer people like reading.Some data may indicate in 1999 there was 60 percent choose reading but in 2001 only 52%.
The cause of this for many reasons.Now some middle-aged people say that they do not have time to read and the young people say that they are not accustomed to read books.However some people say that they can not afford to buy the books so they like reading online In fact,more and more people would like to reading online.1999 was 3.7% in 2003 has been increased to 18.3%.the reason people choose reading online is convenient and it can save money.
At the last i believe the books also have the value.No matter there are more medias can broaden people's vision such as TV,Internet,etc.but the people who read books will not really reduced .After all,the book is a form of material existence on this earth,rather than virtual form.
目前读书的人越来越少.1999年为60%,2001年只有52%.造成这个原因是多方面的.现在的人为什么不读书 中年人说没时间,青年人说不习惯.还有的人说买不起书相反网上阅读的人越来越多.1999年是之3.7%,2003年已经有18.3%.我相信书还是会体现它的价值,现在的电视,互联网等等多媒体的发展使人们的视野更宽广,更快捷,所以现在看书的人就少了,当然,就算如此,看书的人还是不会真的减少的.必竟书本是以一种以物质的形态存在于这个世上的,而不是以虚拟的形态,
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