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The Elephant Man is a story about a ugly man named Joseph Merrick written by Tim Vicary.Joseph Merrick was a person who was so ugly that others either laughed at him or were afraid of him.So he was not ill but he couldn't go to work either.But he was very happy in the last three years of his life.Where was his happiness from?
He always kept the beautiful things in his mind.Even when he was kept in the cold and dark little room,he took his mother's picture with him because her mother was beautiful ,kind and the most important she smiled to him when he was a child.
He was satisfied with what he have.Though he was so unfortunate,he never complained about the life and the fate.When some peole went to see him,he talked about the books with them happily.So more and more people were willing to visit him.
It is not the appearence but the inside of one's charactor that desides weither he can live a happy life.

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材料一:一位中国留学生在海外曾有这样的经历:一位法国老太太热情的免费教她女儿学法语。原来老人太热爱自  2020-11-14 …

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