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沿着泰晤士河两岸,我们可以看到英国的许多名胜。请仔细阅读第 56 – 60 题对英国五处名胜古迹的介绍,然后从 A 到 F 的六处景点中,选出匹配的项。

56. If you like visiting places where important events like royal wedding take place you should visit this 300-year-old cathedral. It is a world-famous building and is one of London sights that most tourists look forward to seeing. Once inside they don’t mind climing the 259 steps to the top for a panoramic view of the city.

57. The British goverment has been meeting here since 1512. The clock with four faces is the biggest in Britain and Big Ben is the name of the enormous bell inside it. People around the world see this place as a symbol of Britain.

58. This is an exact replica of the original theater that Shakespeare used for performances of his plays. You can enjoy watching Romeo and Juliet Macbeth Hamlet or any other of his great works.

59. In the past this 900-year-old building was a prison. Today tourists come to see the Crown Jewels and the ravens that live in the tower. Many people believe that these big black birds are unlucky but they also say that disaster will never hit Britain as long as ravens keep living there.

60. It is the most famous bridge in the world and a symbol of London. The two towels have powerful machinery for lifting the bridge so that tall ships can pass under.




The Houses of Parliament( 议会 )

Tower Bridge

The New Globe Theater




St Paul 's Cathedral

The Tower of London

Cleopatra's Needle


56. D              57. A            58. C      ...

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