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fame and success
Recently,there are more and more famous people who are famous for their
unusual proformance and experience appearing on the internet.Such as Sister
Furong,who are famous for her shape S body,Sister Feng,who are remembered by her
outstanding confidence,and so on.
In my opinion,there are a lot of ways to get an achievement. Just take Sister
Feng as an example. Maybe many people have a dream of being famous in China even
in the world. But they are just a dreamer, not a doer. To the opposite, Sister
Feng tries to practice it by her own way, and she did it. In spite of whether
the way she make herself famous can be accepted by most people or not, she
really do the things she want to do, and get a result that even better than she
imaged before.
Through this example, I just want to prove that there are a lot of chances
that you can catch to make your dream come true, whether you can get successful
or not is just decided by whether you try your way out or not.Just be
yourself,and proform yourself bravely,that’s all you need to do!
Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that can help you to reach your aim
easier. Like Sister Feng, she used the force of Internet fully so that she can
make herself appear in people’s eyes often. It is Internet, the tool she
uses,helps her get her achievement.
So, when you have a dream, just practice it in your own way, especially a way
different form others, and use the tools around you reasonably.In the end,
whether you achieve or not, you have got a great success because you do what
others do not dare to do!

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