早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I want to ask the world
what is love all about
some people live for it
some people die for it
what on earth is LOVE ?
Why do people abandon themselve to it?
Come out why thing it will be rooms of feeling , ask people‘s life and death let only
i wonder what kind of affection can be called love, life and death depend on it!
Tell me, what in fact is love in this temporal world, that it can make lovers pledge each other their lives?
I want to ask the world
what is love all about
some people live for it
some people die for it
what on earth is LOVE ?
Why do people abandon themselve to it?
Come out why thing it will be rooms of feeling , ask people‘s life and death let only
i wonder what kind of affection can be called love, life and death depend on it!
Tell me, what in fact is love in this temporal world, that it can make lovers pledge each other their lives?
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阅读《诗经·相鼠》,阅读《诗经·相鼠》,相鼠有皮,人而无仪.人而无仪,不死何为!相鼠有齿,人而无止 2020-07-13 …
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阅读《相鼠》回答问题。相鼠有皮,人则无仪。人而有仪,不死何为?相鼠有齿,人而无仪。人而无止,不死何 2020-07-13 …
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