早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Nearly all trees have seeds that fall to the earth, take root, and eventually ______ .
A.to generate new seeds
B.new seeds will be generated
C.generate new seeds
D.to generate new seeds there
2.Photographic film is made in _______ and widths.
A.a variety of the length
B.a variety of lengths
C.the length which is varied
D.which has various lengths
3.Agriculture will have to undergo a dramatic change to meet the needs of the new situation ______ the country will starve.
a)or that b) for c) or else d) as to
4.The teacher looked about as if he wanted to ______ everything in the classroom on him.
a)express b) press c) surpress d) impress
5.I can not but ______ the truth of your remarks, although they go against my interests.
a)admit b) admitted c) to admit d) admitting
6.George’s mother, as well as I, ______ in New York for a few days more.
a)asks he stays b) asks that he stay
c)ask him stay d) ask him to stay
7.I don’t know if the story is true, but I’ll try to ______ it.
a)verify b) identify c) reinforce d) conform
8.He’ll soon ______ his disappointment and be quite cheerful again by the morning.
a)get to b) get out of c) get over d) get through
9.After criminals were caught, they were accused and put on ______ .
a)death b) trial c) jail d) sentence
10.The saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” means that you should act ______ the local customs.
a)due to b) for the purpose of
b)for the sake of d) in accordance with
1.C 3个并列的动词,动词形式跟前面2个的要保持一致,结构也要一致.
2.B 道理一样,保持结构上的一致
3.C or else 是“否则,要不然”的意思
4.D express表达,press按;压,supress 抑制,impress 给..留下印象.根据句子的意思应该是:他四处看,似乎想把教室里的一切印在脑海里.
5.A.can not but “不得不”,后面加动词原形
6.A.as well as 的主谓一致原则是根据前面的那个主语决定的,所依ask用单数的形式,he第三人称单数stay还是加s
7.A.verify 核实,查证;identify确定,识别;reinforce加强;conform使遵守.句子的意思:我不知道这个故事是否真实,但是我会尽力去查实的.
8.C.get to到达,get out of 逃避;get over 克服;从.中恢复;get through 通过.句子的意思:他很快就会从失望中恢复过来,明天早上就又会很开心了.
9.B.put on trial 审判 意思:罪犯被逮捕后,就会受到控告和审判.
10.D.due to 由于;归功于 for the purpose of 为了...目的 for the sake of 为了...利益 in accordance with 依照;与...一致.句子意思:俗语“入乡随俗”的意思是你必须依照当地的文化习惯来行事.
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