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Napa's history, American immigration history is a microcosm.
One hundred years since the plant as well as the Napa grape wine history, is in fact one of the immigrants from all corners of the country, in North America dream of build-up of the New World. In Northern California on a sunny land, they spread under their own hope and dreams, but also into its own as well as the family's hard work and effort. In the wake of the failure of various setbacks, as well as natural and man-made, they won the attention of the success of Forever and Napa names linked.
One hundred years, at the time, however long waves are tiny, but in Napa, it is a persistent commitment to the Five Dynasties people.
Everything is so beautiful, here are a paradise for grapes. North latitude and 44 ° when the sea breeze swept through, the golden dawn mist cleared the valley, the shelves started Shu dark green vine leaves to the sun to say Hello, ready to greet another day of good feelings.
Good grape wine brewing, only in Napa Valley, you can enjoy the sun with regards to the wine.
In 1904, when Louis • Kuender D. full of hope in sunny California, the first strains of grape vines planted when they gave birth to a person operating the dream of the Five Dynasties, it also breeds a legendary quality.
From Margaux and Chateau Lafite grapes in California's ancient iron-rich volcanic red soil on display an astonishing ability to adapt quickly to take root, along with the family for their hard Kuender D. reclamation flowering, as a result, the dissemination of the fragrance.
One hundred years, the family has experienced the scourge of war, the economy experienced a recession, but as Lewis originally planted vines in general, strong growth, has given birth to a Chunhua Qiushi.
At Kuender D., every grain of grapes are carefully selected. Harmony between man and nature in a harmonious state, the achievements of the unique quality of each bottle.
Kuender D. Chateau use of Grape and Wine OIV international organizations recommend a sustainable eco-plant, the pursuit of the best natural quality.
Each one is an exploration of the unexpected. Kuender D., each bottle will give you a unique experience in California.
"啵" bang轻响and died with some of the delicate fragrance of drowsiness revolving entered a dazzling crystal tulip cups, Napa is full of sunshine so the entire room.
Napa Valley, as the mist lingers throughout the year in general, ta graceful charm are required of you in the taste buds on a little bit of exploration, excavation.
Cabernet Sauvignon wine are simple and honest regardless of body in the fragrant herbs, or Pinot Noir fusinite hidden submissive rich fruity in the mouth you one of the many changes and interpretations, are only belong to you the extraordinary experience.

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