早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我要写一篇关于环游中国的英语作文!题目是travel around China 对不旅游城市要两个以上 但要在100字左右呃、、、、不好意思 我决得100字少了 改为160字吧 稍微多一点希望用将来时 有西安的优
我要写一篇关于环游中国的英语作文!题目是travel around China 对不
旅游城市要两个以上 但要在100字左右
呃、、、、不好意思 我决得100字少了 改为160字吧 稍微多一点
希望用将来时 有西安的优先哦 是介绍 不是我已经去了 连贯性强点 有开头有结尾
旅游城市要两个以上 但要在100字左右
呃、、、、不好意思 我决得100字少了 改为160字吧 稍微多一点
希望用将来时 有西安的优先哦 是介绍 不是我已经去了 连贯性强点 有开头有结尾
Travel Around China
As one of the largest countries in the world, China has attracted travellers from abroad and domestic.
One of the most famous cities is Xi'an. I wish someday I could visit there. Because Xi'an is one of the cities with oldest history in China. It is famous for many historical architectures, such as terra-cotta figures.
Another famous city is Shanghai, where The World-Expo has held. This city has developed fast over the past decades.It reflects the great achievements China has made since the opeing policy was implemented.
Besides above mentioned cities, I hope I will travel around our country.
As one of the largest countries in the world, China has attracted travellers from abroad and domestic.
One of the most famous cities is Xi'an. I wish someday I could visit there. Because Xi'an is one of the cities with oldest history in China. It is famous for many historical architectures, such as terra-cotta figures.
Another famous city is Shanghai, where The World-Expo has held. This city has developed fast over the past decades.It reflects the great achievements China has made since the opeing policy was implemented.
Besides above mentioned cities, I hope I will travel around our country.
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