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Each part of the United Kingdom has its own national flower.The national flower of Scotland is the Scottish bluebell.However it is commonly though to be the thistle ( 蓟 ) a thorny( 带刺的 ) purple flower.

Well so the story goes a very long time ago a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland.The Scots a brave people loved their country.They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland.But there were too many of the Romans.It looked as if the Romans would win.

One night the leader of the Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill." We will rest here tonight my men." he said " Tomorrow we will fight one more battle.We must win or we will die.”

     They were all very tired.So they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep.There were four guards on duty but they were too tired and one by one they fell asleep.

     The Romans were not asleep.Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill.Slowly they went up the hill.Closer they came to the sleeping Scots.They were almost at the top.A few minutes more the war would be over.

     Suddenly one of them put his foot on a thistle.He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots.In a minute they were on their feet and ready for a battle.The fighting was hard but it did not last long.The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved Scotland.

     Since then the flower has become a national symbol (象征) .Nowadays the thistle is widely used to stand for the " Scottishness" of countless products services organizations etc.and can be seen everywhere.

1.What is the national flower of Scotland?


2.A long time ago who made war on Scotland?


3.Where did the soldiers of the Scots rest?


4.Who won the war at last?


5.What is the main idea of this text?



1.The bluebell

2.A Roman army

3.On the top of a hill

4.The Scots

5.How the thirsted became a national symbol of Scotland.