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With the deepening of economic globalization, the rapid development of the Internet, increasingly competitive market, survival and development of enterprises facing severe challenges. Event marketing as an inevitable product of the information explosion era, from the beginning of 20th century the majority of development, at present in China have been at the stage of rapid development, because it embodies the essence of the wide range of traditional marketing means, while also reducing the cost of publicity, has begun attracted the attention of enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises in China. A growing number of enterprises using the power of event marketing to expand awareness, at the same time to enhance and maintain brand image. However, due to the lack of a solid theoretical foundation and in-depth study on the actual combat operations, in the implementation process, often is not satisfactory. Therefore, there is a need of the essential features of event marketing, implementation process, for more in-depth analysis of the policy is applied.
This research first in reference other scholars of theory Foundation Shang, on event marketing of concept, and features and type Shang made has new of defined and summarized summary, and this on event marketing of theory Foundation for has summarized and supplementary: attention resources is Foundation, and marketing spread is main line, and integration marketing is tools; and by explained domestic enterprise event marketing of status, analysis has enterprise application event marketing process in the exists of problem and causes; by on enterprise application event marketing case of comparison analysis, on enterprise implementation event marketing by produced of problem made has more of solution method, including clear marketing target, and determine positioning, and select event policy, and construction event marketing system, and implementation risk control, and strengthening effect feedback, on which of focus and points for has summary and explained. In the course of study, by means of a listed case summary characteristics and study on view of event marketing, event marketing research results in the formation of, for a future event marketing research help, but also for domestic enterprise application of event marketing can provide the necessary guidance.
This research first in reference other scholars of theory Foundation Shang, on event marketing of concept, and features and type Shang made has new of defined and summarized summary, and this on event marketing of theory Foundation for has summarized and supplementary: attention resources is Foundation, and marketing spread is main line, and integration marketing is tools; and by explained domestic enterprise event marketing of status, analysis has enterprise application event marketing process in the exists of problem and causes; by on enterprise application event marketing case of comparison analysis, on enterprise implementation event marketing by produced of problem made has more of solution method, including clear marketing target, and determine positioning, and select event policy, and construction event marketing system, and implementation risk control, and strengthening effect feedback, on which of focus and points for has summary and explained. In the course of study, by means of a listed case summary characteristics and study on view of event marketing, event marketing research results in the formation of, for a future event marketing research help, but also for domestic enterprise application of event marketing can provide the necessary guidance.
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