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culture which means the behavior characteristics and values accepted by the public though the transmission of social relationship. it involves knowledge, belief ,art ,moral,law, and customs. the notion of culture is board and complicated which including all aspects of human life and all the damand of the mentality and physiology of human beings. in some sense, culture is the integrated brain programme among the different people.because the existence of this kind of "integrated programme" and "mental software" therefore,everyone is the creature affected by their own phonomenon,the behavior is restricted by culture,while culture can be embodied by human behavior. for instance, the international business consultation is the process of people from different countries to meet their own interests though negotiation to reach some kind of idetification.nevertheness, there exist extremely differences of language,beliefs,lifestyle,rule of behavior and ethic standard between two or more countries. this is vital faceors that can influence the proceeding of the negotiation. when during a cross-cultural negotiation,both side will prone to its own cultural background. in this process, culture play a subtle role to influence the attitude and behavior of mankind which is equal to the theory of "throw the stone in the river". the ripple caused by the stone spread to the whole river,cultural factors are filled in the negotiation and immerse to every corner.

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