早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


请帮我翻译一段话毕业论文答辩 各位老师、同学大家早上好! 我来自外语系2003级(2)班,我叫杨函祥,我的论文题目是《学习动机的研究》,本篇论文是在凌红波讲师的指导完成的。在此,我十分感谢她长期以来对我的精心指导和大力帮助,同时也感谢各位评审老师从百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间事一同参与对我这篇论文的审阅并出席本次答辩。。。。。以上是我对自己的论文简单介绍,请各位老师提问,谢谢。 (用翻译软件的请您别费事了,呵呵,)
Teachers and students, Good morning . I come from the 2003 Department of Foreign Languages two classes. My name is Yang Hanxiang, my thesis entitled is "Study on motivation to learn". this thesis is a lecturer in the Hong-Bo Ling guidance completed. At this point, I am very grateful to her long-term care for my guidance and help, At the same time, thank you for review from your busy for taking the time to participate in a matter of this thesis. I review and attend the reply. . . . . The above are my own brief thesis. teachers put questions please, thank you very much. 纯人工翻译。手好酸呀 ...