早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


the boy is_to have had the help and guidance of such a learned uncle(fortune)
you will increase your_if you introduce more system into your work(efficient)
if you use this chemical to clean youa shirt,the stains will_immediately.(appear)
john and mary had a_,but they have made it up now(understand)
the children looked wonderfully_with their bright eyes and glowing cheeks (health)
looking up,i saw his eyes fixed on me in_(curious)谁知道怎么做啊.
1.fortunate 这个男孩很幸运,能得到如此博学的叔叔的帮助和引导.此处需要形容词.2..efficiency 你会提高你的工作效率,此处需要名词.3.disappear 如果你用这种化学制剂清洗衬衣,污渍会马上消失的.disappear 消失4.mis...