早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
MAny people think that anmials in the zoo are h__ and lucky,but most of them are s__.Do you know w__?Animals like tigers,lions ang bears usually live in f__ or mountains.they run,piay w__their children and eatch small animals f__ food.But now they have to stay in cages or small rooms in zoo.They do not have to fing food by themselves b__ the zoo keepers feed them They do noting b__ eat,walk and sleep every day.Their life in the zoo is quiet d__ from that in the forest because they are not f__
MAny people think that anmials in the zoo are h__ and lucky,but most of them are s__.Do you know w__?Animals like tigers,lions ang bears usually live in f__ or mountains.they run,piay w__their children and eatch small animals f__ food.But now they have to stay in cages or small rooms in zoo.They do not have to fing food by themselves b__ the zoo keepers feed them They do noting b__ eat,walk and sleep every day.Their life in the zoo is quiet d__ from that in the forest because they are not f__
health s why forest with fing because by different f
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阅读下面短文并填词,首字母已给出谢谢了,MAnypeoplethinkthatanmialsinth 2020-12-10 …