早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


外贸英语 麻烦帮我填写一下
Dear Sirs,
We learn from the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of our ____ in your country that you are a
large buyer of electrical ceramics. As this article_____ the scope of our business activities, we _____ this opportunity to express our wish to ______ business relations with you.
Chinese electrical ceramics ______ for the excellent quality and fine workmanship. They have enjoyed great ______ in the European market. We are sure that ______ our joint efforts they will also meet ______ a favorable reception in your country.
In order to give you a _______ idea of our various ceramics, we are airmailing to you ______ separate cover a copy of _______. We shall be glad to send you ______ upon receipt ______ your specific enquiries.
We hope to ______ you soon.
Yours Sincerely
第二段:are famous,popularity,under,with
第四段:hear from