早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



     Mr. Smith loves sports. He often goes to different places to enjoy the beautiful countryside scenery.
On a 1.___________ Saturday afternoon, Mr. Smith went hiking in the country. He carried a backpack
on his back, with a 2._____________ in his hand. In the evening, he decided to stop for a rest. He
began to put up a 3. _____________ near a village. Then he made a 4. ______________ not far from
the tent and placed a pot over the fire to 5. _____________ something to eat. After supper, he spent the
night in the tent. Because he kept walking a whole day, he was very 6. _____________ and fell asleep
    At mid-night the weather began to turn bad. A strong 7.______________ began to blow. At that time,
Mr. Smith was still 8.______________ heavily. The next morning, when he 9._____________ up, he
found 10._____________ lying in the open air. And to his surprise, there was a pig, a cow, a
goose, a sheep and a cock running around him!
1. sunny  2. stick  3. tent  4. fire  5. cook
6. tired  7. wind  8. sleeping  9. woke  10. himself


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