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Dear Sir/Madam,
Since the Reading Festival is around the corner,I’m writing to recommend a picture which can be used in the brochure to remind the students of the pleasure of reading.
In the picture,three students are sitting at the table,discussing heatedly what they have just read.【高分句型】It seems that they have had a lot of fun through the discussion.(描述图片)Though it is admitted that reading is mostly a personal activity which needs quietness and concentration,as far as I’m concerned,it can also be a sharing experience when the same book is being appreciated.Just imagine that you have read a terrific detective story with fascinating and intricate plots.You are so amazed by the genius of the writer and you can’t help sharing it with your classmates or best friends,who turn out to have been deeply impressed as well.【高分句型】The moment you mention the book,the passion and enthusiasm about the story will explode which can never be gained on your own.【高分句型】My ideal atmosphere of reading is just like that,through which you can not only appreciate the content by yourself,but also have the pleasure of sharing the plots or opinions with your peers,which will ultimately enhance your understanding of the book.【高分句型】To sum up,the reason of my recommendation is quite simple and apparent that reading,instead of being dull and isolating,can be full of participation and common interest.(阐述推荐该图片的理由)I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestion into consideration and I’m looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Pan Yang

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