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Now,thanks to the development of the popularization of computer and office automation,many people especially teenagers used to print Chinese characters with a computer,the mouse and keyboard alternatives to traditional by replacing ink becomes increasingly trend.Over time,the Chinese character writing phenomenon is inevitable,the Chinese characters and even the protection,inheritance and development of Chinese civilization would amount to a growing challenge and threats.
The author thought that should fully recognize handwritten Chinese characters of environmental protection function,the pen is written and practical function,and the art of Chinese calligraphy appreciation,cultural exchanges,and other functions,coping with the loss of writing Chinese characters of predicament,there must be handwritten Chinese characters of the legal basis and realistic need.One is to timely revise language method,increase the provisions,such as the handwritten Chinese characters,Chinese calligraphy inheritance of handwritten Chinese characters legalized and standardized,laws.The second is to equal status for handwritten Chinese characters with computer printout.Now a lot of units or individuals most accept the typescript,rarely accept handwritten.This will not only increase the printing costs,also exacerbate the Chinese character writing phenomenon.Therefore,in today's increasingly computerized word processing,to protect the Chinese characters,still should actively advocate the conditional use of handwritten Chinese characters.

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