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There are many bad eating habits that people have followed everyday either intentionally or unintentionally.Bad eating habits are very unheathy for our body and could cause disease.
People fall into a bad daily eating routine that can include skipping breakfast,wolfing down a meal,or addict to soft drinks,chips,candy and coffee all day and even during the night.
The problem is that we get so comfortable in our ways that it's hard to give up those old habits.Here are some tips that can help us to fix the problems:
1.Being aware of the bad habits you want to fix.
2.Figuring out why these habits exist.
3.Figuring out how you'll slowly change your bad eating and exercise habits into healthier new ones.
Everyone should avoid their bad eating habits even though that sometimes it is a very hard thing to do.The following are some steps that are very easy to follow in order to make the change:
1.note down your own bad eating habits;
2.break them down one by one;
3.tell your friend or family to monitor your performance;
4.reward yourself by the end of the month.
Bad eating habits seriously put our health at risk.They can make you fat,sluggish and causing disease.By cutting them down you guaranteed your own health and transform your bad habits into good ones.So don't wait and start immediately to get rid of your bad eating habits today!

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