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Any country has good reasons to want its citizens to be as healthy as possible. This led to

the instruction of health service in many countries. Britain has developed into a country in which

all citizens can get most of the health treatment free. The money for this is partly from the people who are willing to offer.

But there are different opinions about the Health Service. The number of patients treated every year and the cost of treatment are much greater than expected. This means that the people who work for the Health Service— doctors nurses and other hospital workers have much more work to do and as a result they have little time for preventive treatment.

However the tough problem is that as many people are able to receive treatment more expensive than they can pay sometimes people go and visit their doctors when they don’t really need to. As there are many patients doctors cannot spend time long enough with each patient. So some people prefer to pay for their own treatment so that their doctors can examine them more carefully. In fact some rich people feel that they should pay more free money which would be given to other citizens.

55. Britain is described as an example to show that_____.

   A. it is a very rich country in Europe

   B. it is a country with the Health Service

   C. everyone in the UK enjoys free medical care

   D. people have to play part of the medicine fee

56. What is the problem in the Health Service?

   A. Doctors and nurses are not working hard.

   B. People can get more preventive treatment.

   C. There are not enough well-trained doctors.

   D. Money is not enough to employ more medical workers.

57. Why do many people go and see the doctors even when they really don’t need to?

   A. To get necessary protective treatment.

   B. To take back some expensive medicine.

   C. To receive treatment free of charge.

   D. To keep himself even more healthy.

58. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

   A. There is much to improve the Health Service.

   B. People should not go to the doctor’s unless necessary.

   C. The Health Service is quite successful so far.

   D. The rich should be allowed to pay for the treatment.

答案  55.B  56.D  57.A  58.B

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