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MEDINA Saudi Arabia: 3 people were killed when Saudi special forces stormed a Russian airliner and freed more than 100 passengers from hijackers (劫机者) on Friday. The hijackers admitted to be Chechens and threatened to blow up the plane. They seized the airliner on Thursday after it took off from Istanbul and forced it to fly to Saudi Arabia . There they demanded that Russia take back its army in the Muslim district of Chechnya which goes against the Russian government for its independence.

SAN FRANCISCO: California ’s officials warned on Tuesday that tight electricity supplies could lead to a second following day of statewide power failure. “If we can get some more resources from outside the state of California and if people can save a great deal that would certainly help. ” Said a local official.

JAKARTA : 4 teenage girls were pressed to death in a shopping center in the Indonesian capital on Sunday. The accident happened when the British boy band AL was performing. Hundreds had gathered to the popular shopping center in Jakarta to hear the group perform. Foreign bands nowadays seldom come to Indonesia .

KABUL: Afghanistan ’s ruling Taliban killed 100 cows at the presidential palace in Kabul on March 19. The Taliban carried out the cruel deed to make up for not acting earlier to destroy all the country’s statues. The world has found fault with the destruction of the valuable fortune of the world.


56. The hijackers seized the Russian airliner because _______.

A. their Chechen families were threatened to blow up

B. the plane was forced to fly from Istanbul to Saudi Arabia

C. they wanted Russia to end his fighting against rebelling Chechens

D. Saudi Special Forces killed 3 people

57. How can the State of California be away from the power failure according to the passage?

A. Get some electricity supplies from other countries.

B. Ask people to save more electricity.

C. Warn people of the tight electricity supplies.

D. The state of California will have to build more power stations.

58. In the third piece of news the writer just wants to _______.

A. tell people that the British boy band AL was not welcomed

B. show his or her anger that foreign bands seldom come to Indonesia

C. show Indonesia love music so much

D. tell the fact that 4 girls were pressed to death

59. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the fourth paragraph?

A. The Taliban regret destroying the status so late.

B. The world support what the Taliban have done.

C. The world support the Taliban’s killing of cows only.

D. The Taliban regret destroying all the status.

56. C。从第一段可以看出,劫机者要求俄罗斯撤出车臣分子盘踞的穆斯林地区的武装力量。57. B。从第二段第二句话中可以得出答案。这里的state是“州”的意思,而不是“国家”的意思。58. D。本新闻主要报道了...