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英语作文 本月22日在学校食堂丢了一个手提包,内有自行车钥匙,两个课本 ,一本字典,拾到者请交本班班长
The 22th day of this mouth, someone lost a bag in the school canteen. There was a key to a bike,two books and a dictionary in it. If you have seen it, please give it back to our class monitor.Thanks a lot.
Hello,everyone.The 22th day of this mouth,have you seen a bag in the school canteen?Well, someone lost it, and he's very worry about it. Can you help him? There was a key to a bike,two books and a dictionary in it. It's very important.If you have seen it, please give it back to our class monitor.Thank you for reading this message.
The 22th day of this mouth, someone lost a bag in the school canteen. There was a key to a bike,two books and a dictionary in it. If you have seen it, please give it back to our class monitor.Thanks a lot.
Hello,everyone.The 22th day of this mouth,have you seen a bag in the school canteen?Well, someone lost it, and he's very worry about it. Can you help him? There was a key to a bike,two books and a dictionary in it. It's very important.If you have seen it, please give it back to our class monitor.Thank you for reading this message.
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