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作文题目:Luck or hard work
Is it luck or hard work that brings success?The answer is "hard work". One's efforts bring him success and not his luck. It is said,"Triumphs dont't come without efforts."
Luck favors only those who help themselves. The harder you work, the luckier you get. A man works day and night giving up all his play and delight and moves ahead to earn success and when he earns it people call it luck. This excellence is in fact not luck, but the result of a lot of hard work. Any idea cannot become a success unless we work hard on it.
Today we are leading a happy and comfortable life due to hard work of someone else. We have bulbs to remove the darkness in a room; this was possible by hard work of Edison. We chat over phone with our friends, which has resulted by hard work of Alexander Graham Bell.
The world lifts its hats up to one who puts 50 percent of their efforts and on its head for those few souls who devote 100 percent. "Success accompanies only those who work hard and not the ones who hardly work."

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