早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
hallo greets them, today has received shirt, but not in gr. xl separate in the Gr. L also there I would have sent with pleasure still right shirt. have they already sent white shirt? the problem lies with them!
hallo I greet them! how do we remain then now? I will not cost them carry for shipped. I still agree white shirt in gr.xxl and shirt in pink in gr.xl! I is also to be bought ready further with them! if they do to me a good one praise for 10 poloshirts.
hallo greets them, today has received shirt, but not in gr. xl separate in the Gr. L also there I would have sent with pleasure still right shirt. have they already sent white shirt? the problem lies with them!
hallo I greet them! how do we remain then now? I will not cost them carry for shipped. I still agree white shirt in gr.xxl and shirt in pink in gr.xl! I is also to be bought ready further with them! if they do to me a good one praise for 10 poloshirts.
对不起,你的订单还没有航运.因为我们国庆日放假.我们将在10月8日恢复航运.我可以退款给你.Apologies that we would be on National Holiday from Oct.01 and back to work on Oct.08.Your order can only be attende...
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2009年10月3日,是我国传统中秋佳节,并与国庆节喜相逢,中国各地民众通过多种方式,庆祝中华人民共 2020-11-25 …
据介绍,武汉市将为道德模范塑像立传。诚实守信模范万文庆以热心助人、拾金不昧、安全营运、诚信服务的实际 2020-12-14 …
中文翻译英语对不起,你的订单还没有航运.因为我们国庆日放假.我们将在10月8日恢复航运.我可以退款给 2020-12-15 …
2009年,我们共庆新中国60华诞。2010年,我们迎来新中国又一个60年的开始。在春节——这个中国 2020-12-16 …