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翻译成英语,,快哦!!!要清楚,让人看的懂哦!!(这附近有银行吗? )( 沿着这条路走到尽头,你会在右边找到。) ( 我怎样到书店?) ( 在第一个街道向左拐。) ( 过桥) (仍然感谢 )(靠右边100米处 哪条路是去邮局的) (在....拐角处) (对面) (在...左边) (你能告诉我去超市的路吗?) (离这儿大约15公里远 )(你需要乘坐71路车) (禁止停车) (禁止掉头) (失去生命) (遵守交通手则) (帮助老人和孩子过马路是好的) (不许在街上玩耍) (超速罚单) (酒后驾车罚单) (等着轮到某人) (保持安静) (不许上学迟到)
(Is there a bank near here ? )(Go along this road to the end .You'll find it on the right.)(How can I get to the book store? )(turn left at the frist crossing)(go across the birdge)(Thank you all the same)(It's about 100 meters along on the right)(Which is the way to the post office?)(on the corner of)(across from)(on the left)(Could you tell me the way to the supermarket?)(It's about 15 kilometers away from here.)(You need to take Bus No.71)(No parking)(No U-turn)(lose one's life)(obey the traffic rules)(It's good to help old peoplo children cross the road)(Don't play on the street)(a ticket for speeding)(a ticket for drink -driving)(我也不会)(Keep quiet)(Don't be late for school)