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Nine Valley rumor scenic area is located in Huairou County of Beizhen River,about 80 km from the capital.Scenic area covers an area of more than one acre,the forest coverage of more than 85% birds,animal which,with good ecological environment.Within the scenic landscape with the Ming Dynasty ancient the Great Wall,natural landscape is the nine Valley:Wangcheng Valley,valley,poplar Valley,Galaxy ring spring valley,one day,whale,Taoyuan Valley,Shi Gu Valley,the valley of hoof vines,the scenery is various,afforestation,summer camp and travel and leisure ideal place.Nine the mouth of Valley natural scenic area is located in Huairou County of Beizhen river mouth,along with Fung Road,Hubei by 5 kilometers,and Qinglong Gorge adjacent to the sea,about 80 km from the capital.Scenic area covers an area of 700 hectares,Sam coverage of more than 85% animal habitats,meanwhile,has a good ecological environment,it is afforestation,summer camp and travel and leisure ideal place.Reserved largely intact ancient Ming Dynasty the Great Wall.From look on the wings,the Great Wall in the mountain top of peaks,though not in those days take a heroic posture,but still lives,full of charm.According to historical records,the Ming and Qing Dynasties,here is the town of military importance,perennial heavily guarded.Beacon Tower" a flat floor" is the Great Wall architectural history boutique,is in the Badaling Museum documented.Scenic area has nine major Valley Wangcheng Valley,valley,poplar Valley,Galaxy ring spring valley,one day,whale,Taoyuan Valley,Shi Gu Valley,Rattan Baskets of hoof Valley,the scenery is different,magnificent; ornate; fascinating.Such as:Shi Gu,angel station,whale,hat,ring element gem stone Fountain Valley,the Thunder Stone,stone,a Buddism godness Guanyin Buddha stone; rattan basket Valley million in the vine branches Cuojie basket plate,is rare in the north.Valley of as long as there is water,there are fish,shrimp,a frog ......At present,the first phase of the development of scenic area has been completed,a unique gate design,wooden structure curved Gallery restaurant,nestled in the mountains,the forest Lodge Cabin,and hill,accompanied by the water bonfire party.How not to indulge in pleasures without stop!

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