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The "Ramses - Tarot of Eternity" painted by Severino Baraldi, a master of historical
illustration, belongs to this last category. This deck, which faithfully
interprets my "story-board", concentrates on a well-defined era which
begins with the accession to the throne of Sethi I (approx. 1304 B.C.) and ends
with the sovereignty of Merenptah (1224 B.C.). Actually, the father and son of
Ramses II open and close the series of the 22 Trionfi', or Major Arcana. At the
beginning and at the end of this time span are the names of two characters who
show up "outside of their time" given that they were supporters of a
monotheistic religion which would have then changed the course of history; one
was the heretical Pharaoh Amenophi IV, known better as Aken-Aton (who died
around 1347 B.C.), and the other was the Egyptian Hebrew Moses (who died around
1265 B.C.). Apart from these two "outsiders", all of the 'Trionfi'
refer to fundamental episodes of the very long existence of the "living
god" User-Maat-Re Setep-en-Re ("Powerful is the truth of Ra, the
Chosen One of Ra"), better known as Ramses II (1302-1224 B.C.). The main wives of Ramses as well as his most famous children,enemies, battles, etc., were therefore translated into "Trionfi figures".
历史插画大家塞维里诺·巴瑞帝所绘的《拉美西斯——永恒的塔罗牌》也收录在这最后一个目录当中.这一插画忠实地表达出了我脑海中所设想的情景,其聚焦在了一个轮廓清晰的时代——自Sethi一世(我查了维基百科但是看不懂那是什么鸟语就只能这样写了- -)登上王位(约公元前1304年)始,终于莫尼普塔的统治期(公元前1224年).事实上拉美西斯二世的父亲和儿子分别是22 Trionfi(也称大阿尔克纳 )中的第一张牌和最后一张牌.在这个时期的开头和和结束出现了两个本不属于这个时代的人的名字,他们是一个一神论宗教的信徒,而这个宗教本可改变历史的轨迹.他们中一人是异端法老Amenophi 四世,更为世人所知的名字叫Aken-Aton(亚肯亚顿),死于公元前1347年前后,另一人即埃及人希伯来·摩西,死于公元前1265年前后.除了这两个“闯入者(穿越者?)”所有的Trionfi牌都代表了真神(真主?还是什么,不知道埃及人怎么称呼神- -)所存在的那段悠久的历史期间说发生的事件.(Powerful is ...那句我乱翻成太阳神的力量即是真理,我权既太阳神所授予),其也称拉美西斯二世(公元前1302-1224),拉美西斯几个重要的妻子,和他最出名的那些子嗣,他的敌人以及他所参与过的战斗等也因此被收入了Trionfi牌中.