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在填一个英国学校的申请表 有个空不知道怎么填
Professional Qualifications
这个空 是这样的标题是Professional Qualifications
First Professional Qualification -
Professional Body -
Type of Membership (e.g. Full or Associate) -
Award Date -
Please enter any membership of professional bodies. If you are waiting to hear the outcome of
an application for membership, please enter “Pending” in the Type of Membership, as well as
the expected conferral date.
English Language Ability Exam Scores*
All incoming students to Imperial College must have a good command of the English language
这是填什么啊 下面还有一栏是工作经验的 我不明白这个要填什么了
Professional Qualifications :专业证书,比如会计证什么的,由专业机构颁发的。。。
Professional Body:专业机构,也就是发给你证书的专业机构的名字
Type of Membership (e.g. Full or Associate) 会员类型(正式会员还是准会员)
Award Date:被授予证书的日期
Please enter any membership of professional bodies. If you are waiting to hear the outcome of an application for membership, please enter “Pending” in the Type of Membership, as well as
the expected conferral date.
请填写所有专业机构的会员经历.如果你目前正在等待某协会会员的申请结果,请在会员类型(Type of Membership)中填写“Pending", 和预计得到会员批准的日期。
English Language Ability Exam Scores*
All incoming students to Imperial College must have a good command of the English language
所有将要进入Imperial College 都必须拥有很好的英语能力
帝国理工好学校,祝你申请成功,不过london那一带消费高些,尤其是住房,take care!