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Agree or disagree,it’s more
important for government to spend money on modern houses than building traditional
or historical building or homes.
When it comes to topic that whether
government should invest funds on modern houses other than traditional or
historical constructions,opinion may vary from person to person.There exists
a strong voice supporting the modern house due to its convenient efficient.
Whereas,some people are favor of the historical buildings because of they are
able to reveal a city’s unique character.For me,it is better to find a
balance between the modernization and conservation of tradition as we as
Initially,we should accept the irreversible
trend of modernization are bringing essential changes to the world.With the rapid
development of technology,people now can put their innovative idea into reality.
Thus,we witness more and more skyscrapers standing out,almost all public
buildings are equipped with high-tech devices,and our homes are becoming more convenient
with the 24 hours hot water and automatic air conditions.Consequently,people
have already benefited a lot from the modern buildings,and they cannot live in
the old-style houses anymore.Consider,if you are required to live in a house
without electricity.No TV,no computer,no telephone,no any other electronic devices,
how long can you endure?
However,though government needs to spend money on the
up-to-date buildings,they also need to pay attention to the traditional and
historical buildings which contain cultural,aesthetic and other potential
values.Let put our discussion into a more practical way.Currently,it is
common that many cities are constructing or planning to construct traditional
buildings.By doing so,these places can not only conserve their tradition and
historical characters,but also subsequently attract more tourists to travel
there,that can be a impetus to the local economy.In short,it is necessary for
government to spend fund on tradition and historical buildings because they are
indispensible for a city.
In sum,from what I have stated above,we can draw the
conclusion that modern buildings as they are more comfortable and endurable,
should be the first choice for people work and live.While,the tradition and
history buildings are vital to preserve a city’s culture,and it also
contribute to the local tourism,government should spend abundant money to it
too.All in all,both sides need investment,and we cannot say which side is
more important.
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