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Would you rather your schoolspend money on social events and facilities or on improving the cafeteriamenus?
As the school’s funding is limited,an importantissue in the schools around the world is where schools should spend money.Ifmy university have to make a choice about whether to use money on social eventsand facilities or on improving the cafeteria menus,I would suggest the latteroption because improving the cafeteria menus is conducive to both students andthe school itself.
Admittedly,social events and facilities have theirown merits.Social activities like participating in community activities and joiningsome clubs will not only teach students about responsibility and independence,but also enable them to make many friends.And the facilities like basketballfield and gym will spur students to do more exercise and have more fun on thebreak of study.That said,there are some potential drawbacks on theseactivities,these are always too time-consuming for students especially highschools students who only have little leisure time beyond the study.It mightcreate negative influence for their study.Furthermore,we also should considersuch a problem.If the school does not have quality food and students have tobear the hunger all the time will result in their unsound health condition,will students have interest in these social events or facilities?The answer isdefinitely no.So improving cafeteria menus must have priority.
To begin with,increasing the quality of schoolfood is beneficial for students.Students need enough energy that mostly comesfrom their daily food to study.If their food is not enough or too inedible toeat,they will not always be in the mood to read books,do research or finishhomework.As we all know,in China,the high school students’ study task is quiteheavy because all students want to attend the university which makes thecompetition pretty severe.And when I was in high school,I almost had everymeal in campus,but the schools’ food is little and no means delicious and weall did not like.So I often have to suffer from hunger in the last classbefore lunch and dinner.This situation affects me so much that I could notconcentrate on lecture in these classes.And when I entered grade three,I wrotea letter to school president about this problem.The president was pretty kind andhe built a new restaurant in campus where the food was ample and palatable.From then on,I was on longer hungry at class and my grade had enhanced.Fromthis,we can know how important the good food is for students.
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