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Do You Know about the Stars?
  When you look at the sky at night, what can you see? Can you see a dog or a bear? Can you see a horse with wings?
  Long, long ago, people watched the sky, too. They could see the stars and planets, but they knew nothing about them. Some people thought stars could make up pictures in the sky, and they gave the stars interesting names. We still use those names now.
  In those days, people thought stars could tell people what their life would be like. Time and time again, men looked at the sky through telescopes. The telescopes helped them learn much about the stars. People learned that the stars did not bring good luck or bad luck. But knowing about stars has helped men in many other ways.
  It can help man make the calendar. It helps man tell about the seasons. It helps man plan space trips.
  People are still learning more about the stars. What they are learning now may help you go to another planet someday.
1. telescope n. 望远镜
2. calendar n. 日历
3. planet n. 行星
Long ago, people thought the stars could make up ________ in the sky.
People in the past thought the stars could ________.
The main idea of the whole story is that ________.
【分析】1. 根据Some people thought stars could make up pictures in the sky.可得答案。
2. 根据第三段内容可得答案。
3. 根据第三、四、五段内容可知答案。

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