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拜托哪位高手帮忙翻译一段文字,谢谢!求英文高手翻译一下下面这段文字。THX。全文如下: 用户满意是我们永恒的追求。为用户提供高效、全面的服务,最大程度地保障用户的投资利益是我们坚持不变的服务原则。 首问负责制 ——公司努力确保每一位用户的每一次服务要求均能得到最快捷、最满意的响应。公司任何部门、任何员工上至总裁下至门厅接待员,只要接到用户任何形式的服务要求,都有向用户解答、解决问题的责任和义务。针对一时无法解答、解决或超越自己责权的问题,应记下用户的联系方式,找到答案后,答复用户。或将电话记录交给工程管理中心客户服务部,由其进行公司内部协调后与用户联系。将用户的电话直接转给其他部门,或将问题直接推给其他部门,致使用户带着问题在公司各部门间转来转去而无所适从的行为在本公司是被禁止的。 当然,为了使您的问题能以最快的速度得到解决,我们推荐您向相关的责任部门或客户服务部反映您的要求。
The customer satisfaction is we are eternal of pursue.For the customer provide efficiently, overall service, the investment benefits which guarantee customer of the biggest degree ground is we insist a constant service principle. The head asks to be responsible for make-the company insures each customer hard of the every service request to all can get to be the most fast and respond to most satisfiedly.Go to a chief executive officer to descend to the hall receptionist on company any section, any employee, as long as the service request for receiving any form of customer, all have toward customer solution, solve problem of the responsibility and the obligation.Aiming at can't answer, resolve or surmount the problem of own responsibility power at that time, should stick down the contact method of customer, replying customer after finding out answer.Or hand over to telephone record engineering management center customer service department, after being carried on a company inner part by it to moderate and customer contact.Turn the telephone of customer to other sections directly, or push the problem to other sections directly, cause the customer take a problem to turn around between each each section of company but the indecisive behavior be forbidden in our company. Certainly, for making your problem be able to be resolved by quickest speed, we recommend you toward the related responsibility section or the customer service department to reflect your request 、还行吧、 你可以看看有没有错的
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