Do you know what the s ____ (1) bird in the world is? If your a ____ (2) is “ hummingbird (蜂鸟) ”,you are right. Let's learn more about hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds are really small. Some are less than three inches (英寸) 1 ____ (3) ! There are some different k ____ (4) of hummingbirds such as the Mellisuga helenae the Archilochus colubris and the Patagona
gigas. A ____ (5) all the hummingbirds the Patagona gigas is the largest. Its w ____ (6) is only about 20 grams (克).
Hummingbirds are beautiful. They have colorful feathers (羽毛 ) . What's more their feathers look shiny. Most of the hummingbirds have s ____ (7) beaks (鸟嘴). But some hummingbirds have curly beaks.
Hummingbirds get their name from the s ____ (8) that their wings (翅) make. Hummingbirds flap their wings as many as 80 times per second!This makes a humming sound. A hummingbird's wings are long and
thin. The wings 1 ____ (9) like the oar (船桨) of the boat. The shape of its wings let it f ____ (10) fast.What's more the hummingbirds can fly in any direction. They can fly backwards. They can e ____ (11) fly upside down!These are things that other birds cannot do.
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