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Description: The Kiwi bird is a brown bird that comes from New Zealand. The Kiwi has loose hair-like feathers. It eats spiders worms and other bugs. It has a long slim beak (鸟嘴).The Kiwi's beak is very good at smelling things out even though the nostrils (鼻孔) are at the very beginning of the beak. The male′s body length is 1.8 feet. It weighs 4.41bs. The female weighs 6.61bs.

   Environment: The Kiwi lives in the forests of New Zealand and close to farms. Kiwis burrow (穴居) in the ground and can have more than one nest. They can′t fly. The Kiwi is a very shy bird and is not that often seen.

   Problems: People hunt the Kiwi bird. The Kiwi is also hunted by animals that are bigger than itself. The dog is the Kiwi's worst enemy. The Kiwis are also losing their habitat because the native bush where they live is being cut down.

   Solutions: You can report any sign of a Kiwi such as footprints noises or eggs to your nearest environmental department. Don′t abandon your cats or dogs if you live in New Zealand or they could kill the Kiwi. They should have laws that stop people from cutting down native trees. They have built special houses to help with breeding and ensuring the Kiwi doesn′t become extinct.

   Summary: Female Kiwis can lay up to 100 eggs in their life-time. About 50% of Kiwi's eggs don't hatch. There are 6 different types of Kiwis. One of them is the little spotted Kiwi. l choose the Kiwi bird because 1 am from New Zealand and because it's my national bird and symbol.

1. The male Kiwi bird is           the female one.

A. as heavy as     B. heavier than    C. not so heavy as   D. bigger than

2. The           is the symbol of New Zealand.

     A. Kiwi bird      B. kangaroo       C. panda              D. cat

3. What does the Kiwi eat? It eats            .

     A. dogs          B. cats           C. spiders        D. bush

4. According to the article which statement is true?

     A. The Kiwi likes flying in the forest.

     B. The government in New Zealand should have laws to protect Kiwi birds.

     C. Female Kiwis can lay up to 100 eggs every year.

     D. You can see the Kiwi everywhere in New Zealand.

5. What are the special houses that they have built used for?

     A. They are used for living.       B. They are used for eating the Kiwis.

     C. They are used for selling.       D. They are used for protecting the Kiwi


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