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My grandfather worked as a voluntary carpenter during the Great Depression (大萧条).His duty was to (26)___the wooden boxes for the clothes his(27)___was sending to an orphanage (孤儿院)in Brazil.
On his way home,he (28)___ his glasses were gone.He replayed his earlier actions and (29)___that they had slipped out of his pocket (30)___ fallen into one of the boxes heading for Brazil!
"It's not fair,"he thought as he walked home (31)___."I've been very___(32)___ to my work,and now this."
Several months (33)___,the director of the orphanage came to the United States to visit all the churches that (34)___ them,so he came to my grandfather's small church in Chicago.
He began by thanking the people for their (35)___in helping the poor children."But most of all"be said."I must thank you for the (36)___you sent last year.You see,my glasses (37)___ broken.Even if I had the money.There was___(38)___ no way of replacing them.Besides,not being able to see well,I (39)___  headaches every day.Then your boxes arrived.When I (40)___  the covers,I found a pair of glasses lying on top.When I  (41)___the glasses,it was (42)___  they had been made just for me!I want to thank you for that!"
The people listened,(43)___  for the miraculous (神奇的)glasses.But they thought it was (44)___ because there were no glasses (45)___ their list.
Tears streaming down his face,my grandfather,an ordinary carpenter realized his glasses had found a good place to go.
26.A.hold B.buy C.build D.open
27.A.family B.office C.school D.church
28.A.remembered B.found C.forgot D.considered
29.A.realized B.understood C.found D.observed
30.A.But B.so C.or D.and
31.A.angrily B.luckily C.happily D.fearfully
32.A.certain B.faithful C.good D.well
33.A.after B.latter C.later D.earlier
34.A.supported B.provided C.liked D.supposed
35.A.difficulty B.joy C.business D.kindness
36.A.clothes B.boxes C.glasses D.money
37.A.had been B.was C.has been D.were
38.A.hardly B.simply C.mostly D.fairly
39.A.developed B.troubled C.contained D.experienced
40.A.opened B.broke C.divided D.removed
41.A.carried on B.tried on C.took on D.turned on
42.A.as though B.only when C.even though D.only if
43.A.happy B.content C.curious D.grateful
44.A.practical B.worthy C.strange D.possible
45.A.at B.of C.for D.on
26---30 CDBAD 31---35 ABCAD 36---40 CDBDD 41---45 BACCD
详 26.C 从上句可知,祖父是一个voluntary carpenter (义务工匠),从下文可知,祖父制作(build)木箱给孤儿院,故选C.
27.D 从下文第四段可知,"he came to my grandfather's small church in Chicago."孤儿院负责人来到祖父在芝加哥的小教堂,感谢支持过他们的教堂,所以此处空格的句子应该是教堂(church)送木箱给孤儿院,故选D.
28.B 空格处句子理解为"在回家的路上,他发现(found)眼镜不见了",故选B.
29.A 空格前面说"他在脑海里回想了他之前的行为",然后就意识到(realize)眼镜滑出了他的口袋,故选A.
30.D 这里考查并列连词,"眼镜划出口袋"和"掉在箱子里面"两个句子是并列关系,故选D.
31.A 从空格前面的"这不公平"和后面句子的抱怨可知,祖父现在的心情应该是不好的或者生气的(angry),应该选一个贬义的形容词,故选A.
32.B 空格处句子应该理解为"我对我的工作一直这么忠实,现在却是这种情况(指的是丢了眼镜)",be faithful to:对…忠实
33.C 空格处应理解为"几个月后",later是副词,意为"…之后",注意区别B latter,这是一个形容词,意思是"后者的".
34.A 从下一段"He began by thanking the people"可知,孤儿院负责人是要来感谢支持(support)过他们的教堂,故填A.
35.D 空格处句子应理解为"负责人开始为祖父他们的善举(kindness)而感谢他们",故选D.
36.C 从下文提到的负责人的眼镜坏了刚好用了祖父的眼镜可知,此处理解为"他感谢去年祖父‘送'的眼镜(glasses)",故选C.
37.D be broken:表示坏了的一种状态,主语是glasses,属于复数形式,时态是一般过去时,因此be动词要选用were,故选D.
38.B 空格处句子应理解为"虽然我有钱,但根本(simly)没有什么办法可以取代他们",故选B.
39.D 空格处句子应理解为"我没办法看得清,每天都要经历(experience)头痛",故选D.
40.D 空格处句子应理解为"当我打开(remove)盖子的时候,我发现眼镜躺在上面",remove意为"去除;脱掉;拿下",故选D.
41.B 空格处句子应理解为"当我试着戴上眼镜的时候,就好像眼镜是为我量身定做的一样",try on意为"试穿",故选B.
42.A 同上一句解释"当我试着戴上眼镜的时候,就好像(as though)眼镜是为我量身定做的一样",故选A.
43.C 空格处句子应理解为"在场的人听着,都对这双神奇的眼镜很好奇",be curious for:对…好奇.故选C.
44.C 从前文可知,眼镜是祖父不小心掉下的,而不是他们送的,因此"在场的人都很奇怪(strange),因为在他们的送礼清单上并没有眼镜这个东西",故选C.
45.D 同上一句解释,"在场的人都很奇怪(strange),因为在他们的送礼清单上并没有眼镜这个东西",on one's list:在…的清单上,故选D.