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________ 61. Wang Gang who majors in the arts wants to enter a world-famous university with a long history. He wants to find a job in England after graduation. And he hopes the cost of living there is not too high.

________ 62. Chen Fang hates the changeable weather. And she wants to enter a university where there are many kinds of social activities for her to take part in.

________ 63. Hu Die’s dream is to become an excellent teacher. And she wants to choose a university whose proportion (比例) of local students is high.

________ 64. Yang Hai senior consultant (高级顾问) of a famous company is intent on going abroad for advanced studies. And he wants to enter a university which can offer him practice chance.

________ 65. Li Ming wants to receive higher education in a famous Britain university with a long history. And he wants to enter a university whose proportion of overseas students is high. What’s more his girl friend is studying at Oxford Brookes University. He wouldn’t like to be too far away from his girl friend.

A. Cardiff University is one of Britain’s major teaching and research universities. Located in the centre of the capital of Wales it has an international reputation for the quality of its work which attracts staff and students from around the world.

The cost of living: £7 520

Employment rate: 70.1

The proportion of overseas students: 2.1

B. Cambridge University is one of the oldest instruction universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Located in Cambridge England it has a world-wide reputation for outstanding academic achievement and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects.

The cost of living: £7 000

Employment rate: 87.9

The proportion of overseas students: 6.5

C. Queen’s Belfast University is founded as Queen’s College Belfast by Queen Victoria in 1845. Located in Northern Ireland it gained its independence in 1908. It is widely seen as Northern Ireland’s premier university. The university is known for its arts and social life. Clubs pubs and bars abound and there are abundant societies to join.

The cost of living: £6 000

Employment rate: 73.2

The proportion of overseas students: 4.1

D. Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world’s most famous institutions of higher learning. It was established during the 1100’s. It is located in Oxford England.

The cost of living: £9 250

Employment rate: 78.6

The proportion of overseas students: 6.8

E. West of Scotland University has a rich diverse history inherited from the various institutions that preceded it. It carries out research and consultancy work for industry. Many courses at this university have an emphasis on vocational skills (职业技能) and offer students the option of spending a year working in industry at home or abroad.

The cost of living: £6 200

Employment rate: 70.1

The proportion of overseas students: 5.1

F. Oxford Brookes University is based at sites on the outskirts of Oxford. It is one of Britain’s leading new universities in terms of the courses that it offers. The quality of teaching is impressive and employment rates among graduates are high.

The cost of living: £8 520

Employment rate: 60.1

The proportion of overseas students: 5.9


  61-65 BCAED  

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