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Abstract:Subject to the central axis of the bowl design of metal forming and die design process, reflects the parts sheet metal stamping design requirements, content and direction of the design of a certain significance. Through the design of the die parts to further enhance the design of a stamping die designers the basic knowledge for the design of more complex stamping die to do a good job of paving the way and draw a more profound experience.
The design of the use of punch forming process and die design of the basic knowledge, the first analysis of the shape of the workpiece forming process and die structure of the parts quality. Introduced a central bowl of stamping die design, the main points of attention should be paid through the process of parts for analysis, we can identify parts of a compound by forming a punching mold and the mold can be. Size precision parts from the control, the bowl of the central axis of the stamping die size of all the major theoretical calculations carried out to determine the size of the working parts, the parts from the mold design process and the assembly process in detail, etc., and Application of CAD for the design of the important parts.

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