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Ningxia gets and begin from west to quell for summer.In 1227,Yuan Dynasty after putting out west for summer changes name "Ningxia" and imply to quell a west summer,stable west summer,west summer idea of"hospice".
The autonomous region of Mosslem people in Ningxia has long history.Work properly martial city water hole ditch old stone age cultural the exhumation in the ruins come out of stone implement,bone machine with express with the fire trace,far is be apart from now 3 ten thousand yearses in front and back,Ningxia is inshore and then had mankind's activity and they created "water hole ditch culture" in old stone implement later period.Continuously discovered more"thin stone implement culture","Ma3 Jia Yao2's culture" in Ningxia with"together culture in the house" ruins after relieve.These ruins express that be apart from now for 671000 years to 341000 year agos,the south of Ningxia north of"residents" already from matriarchal society clan society enter person paternal clan society,start be engaged in livestock husbandry and agriculture to produce,and with Central plains there is close contact in region.The company,week are period,inshore have already been called a beard(north Di),Qiang(west Rong),behind be called the migratory tribe activity of ghost Rong,Xian Yun(smoked teach,Hun gruel) again.Once adjusted to check on house occupants in "too original"(solid original now a take)s when week declared a king,expressed to not only have already have more population,but also had administration a management a system at that time.The autumn of the spring fights a country period,solid original the south belong to Qin,the rest region is for the righteousness dike Rong respectively,Qu Yan Rong etc.tribe of gather and reside ground.
221 B.C.,Qin after annex six countries builds up central political power and Ningxia belongs to northly county.
West Jin last years of the period,The Huns person He connect thriving build up place political power in 407-431 years,from number summer,take governing ten thousand cities(the Xia west pacifies country county Jing now) as all city,Ningxia belongs to it to rule over scope.
The tang dynasty cent whole country is 10 and Ningxia belongs to a way inside the pass.The Tang dynasty is mostly work properly state(work properly a martial southwest of the city now) to establish Du mansion and the Shuo square stanza degree to make.The disorderly period of Anne's history,Tang Su's believe in is work properly force to mount the throne in 756 years.
In 1038,party item clan leader Li3 Yuan2 Hao4,take Ningxia as center,build up a big summer country,name of country big summer.(because it is located on Sung dynasty west noodles,the past history call west for summer)Choose site for capital the interest celebrates a mansion(now the silver Chuan City),the national territory"the east exert yellow river,the west boundary jade door,the south connects a Xiao pass,the north arrives big Mo","square 20,000 remainings inside",became to sign with Sung,Liao,gold political power tripod of situation.
Yuan Dynasty after putting out west for summer establishes mansion road in Ningxia and start move in to return to Mosslem people.
The Ming Dynasty establishes Wei in Ningxia,the large quantity return as"person's door of Tun Shu" is settle is work properly state,solid original a take.
The Manchu Dynasty sets up mansion in Ningxia.During the reign of Qianlong,the silver Chuan occurrence heavy earthquake,the original address is damaged serious,Qianlong's emperor stired a huge silver to used for rebuild home,set up Hsin-cheng in the city suburb and call lately full city.Qianlong after,"Ningxia go to even and cool thousand odd an inside,to the utmost all return to Chuang",become national biggest Mosslem people to gather to reside area.The early year of republic establishes the Shuo square way,change to Ningxia province in 1929 and govern in addition to solid original outside of the Allah kind left ensign,Allah kind right ensign,sum of the existing city,county and autonomous region in Inner Mongolia help Na ensign and Deng county.
On September 23,1949,liberation in Ningxia,still follow to use Ningxia province to call at first,magistracy scope and republic homology.Cancel Ningxia province in 1954,the benefit Na ensign and Deng county of the Allah kind left ensign,Allah kind right ensign,sum allot autonomous region in Inner Mongolia and the rest region merges into sweet Su province.On October 25,1958,the autonomous region of Mosslem people in Ningxia establish and govern at first belong to the specialty area of silver Chuan,Wu2 Zhong's Mosslem people's autonomy state,west sea that the sweet Su save solid Mosslem people autonomy state and Jing source,Long is virtuous 2 countieses.In 1969,5 communes of interborough Allah kind left ensign in Inner Mongolia and the Allah kind right ensign merge into Ningxia.In 1979,these regions row to return to Inner Mongolia autonomous region again.
路the sand lake travel area
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路north fortress western cinema in the town
路the He orchid mountain rock draw
路the bronze Xia travel area
路six dish mountain national forest parks
路work properly martial water hole ditch ruins
路gold water park
路sand ascent head

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