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This morning when I was walking to my office, I _________ to see an old friend of mine near the office building.
A. occurred B. happened C. managed D. settled
The police asked the villagers if it was the place _________ they found the lost child.
A. which B. what C. that D. where
When she arrived at the crossroads, she went in the wrong _________.
A. direction B. location C. place D. course
John's success in his career will be a great __________ to his aged parents.
A. satisfaction B. concentration C. attraction D. solution
There are three colors in the British flag, ________ red, white and blue.
A. rarely B. namely C. really D. naturally
I can't find the key to my office, I _______ have lost in on my way home.
A. would B. should C. must D. ought to
I tried hard, but I couldn't find the ________ to the problem.
A. solution B. help C. reply D. demand
______ the population is too large, the government has to take measures to control the birth rate.
A. Although B. Since C. If D. Until
This novel is worth reading, because it gives a detailed description of the historical ________ in 1949.
A. accidents B. cases C. events D. things
He said, “I ______ a lot of new words by the end of last year.”
A. had already learnt B. would have already learnt
C. have already learnt D. already learnt
1.B be happened to ...碰巧遇见...
2.D 定语从句,先行词the place在从句中作地点状语,所以用where.
3.A 此句子中文意思为“当她走到十字路口时,她走错了方向”direction是“方向”的意思
4.A 此句子中文意思为“John在事业上的成功让他年迈的父母很满意.
5.B 此句子中文意思为“英国国旗有三种颜色,也就是说红色,白色和蓝色.”
6.C must have done是对过去的推测,此句子中文意思为“我找不到我办公室的钥匙了,我肯定是在回家的路上把它弄丢了.”
7.A 此句子中文意思为“我努力试过了,但是我找不到解决问题的办法”solution的意思是“解决办法”
8.B since此处表示“因为”,此句子中文意思为“因为人口数量太大,政府不得不采取方式控制出生率.”
9.C event指大事件,此句子中文意思为“这本小说很值得读,因为它详细描绘了1949年的历史事件.”
10.A 学了许多单词是在last year之前已经完成的,所以应该用过去完成时,此句子中文意思为“他说:我在去年年底前就已经学会了许多的新单词.”by+时间,是完成时的时间标志.